Entering this toy shop / bookshop is a must for any adult interested in a comprehensive approach to education for children.  For the last 4 years, this shop in the heart of the Literary Quarter in Madrid, known as Barrio de las Letras, has been offering a wide range of possibilities for the younger ones, encompassing pretty much everything you can think of from books to jigsaws, games, soft dolls and wooden toys… and everything (and I mean, everything!) is gorgeous and selected according to the careful criteria of its owners, Nathalie and Rai. 

Kamchatka 1
This couple, parents of 2 children, started in the toy shop business 13 years ago in the northern area of Madrid, and moved to calle San Agustín 18 in 2011. From the beginning, Kamchatka Magic Toys is an educational project which aims at offering us the best quality toys while respecting the environment (non-toxic toys, organic materials, etc.), making sure the toys are not sexist or that they do not encourage war games, creating a superb atmosphere in their beautiful shop. 

It is really worthwhile paying them a visit and supporting this small family business because of its educational mission, the amazing work they are doing and the affection with which they treat children in their store.   

Kamchatka 3
If you are looking for a different gift, with an added value and which is worth purchasing, visit Kamchatka.  You can of course buy online, but I sincerely recommend visiting their shop in person to be able to see and touch the books and toys in this educational haven.  It should be noted that  they also offer orientation about special toys for children with special needs.  In fact, specialists in this field recommend this shop. 

Kamchatka 4

C/San Agustín, 18 (corner with Lope de Vega) Barrio de las Letras

Opening times:

Monday to Friday: 10:30 - 14:00  / 17:00 a 20:00

Saturday: 11:00 a 14:00

Telephone: 913763614

And, they also keep a great blog full of information and recommendations! 

Thank you, Kamchatka, for your work and dedication! 

Across Madrid recommends this shop as an independent company, and there are no commissions whatsoever involved in our recommendation. We simply have been there and loved it!

© Almudena Cros, November 2015. Please note that this article may be quoted in editorial contexts only, with source and author.